Saturday, November 16, 2013

KPOP: EXO's XOXO Album (Repackaged--Kiss Version)

I have to start off saying that at first I didn't like the entire album. I really only liked "Growl," not because I thought the other songs were bad, just because "Growl" was so good. However, the more I listen to it the more I enjoy each and every song. Of course, I still have my favorites but the list has grown drastically.

Let's go through the track list. Shall we?

1. "Growl"
I first heard this song by chance. Thank God for YouTube! Had it not been for their suggestion I may not ever have heard it. When I first heard it I didn't really register it, I thought it was cool sounding, but that was the end of it, then I went back to listen to it and now it is like my favorite K-Pop song. I love it and the video for it was so cool. The dark room with the freaky lights has been overdone by SM, but the smooth camera work and the hard-hitting choreography left me very impressed and ultimately obsessed.

2. "Wolf" 
I don't like this song, however, the more I hear it the more I can tolerate it. This song is all over the place. However, the video for this song wasn't bad, it was quite exciting.

3. "XOXO (Kisses & Hugs)" 
I absolutely love this song! I slept on it the first time I heard the album but, the more I listened the more I picked up on it and now I love it. I'm a sucker for sweet songs and sweet voices. This song has both and that makes me happy every time I hear it. 

4. "Lucky"
This isn't one of my favorite songs, but I really like it. It has a nice sound and the lyrics are sweet. It is also a song that would work really well on a Korean Drama.

5. "Baby, Don't Cry" 
This song is a great R&B song. I like that something like this wasn't sung softly and really showed off the power of the group members' voices.

6. "Black Pearl" 
This was another song that wasn't on my radar at first, but the more I listen, the more I like. It isn't my favorite song, but it is still one that I enjoy hearing.

7. "Don't Go"
This song would be perfect for a K-Drama soundtrack. When I'm watching certain shows I sing this song during the parts where it'd be most appropriate. The sound would work well with a teenage drama and one drama that I would love hear this song on is The Heirs. Imagine it playing in the airport scene. FEELS! 

8. "Let Out The Beast" 
This song is right on with the "beast/wolf/growl" concept but it has a really dated sound. It's not a bad song, but I think that a few years ago the sound would have been more on trend. However, that's me speaking as an American. This song really reminded me of the movie Step Up. It would work so well in a movie like that or at any dance battle.

9. "3.6.5"
I honestly think that the sound of this song was inspired by One Direction. At first listen, it sounds almost exactly like "What Makes You Beautiful." However, it is a fun song that is straight pop and it's different from the other songs on the album.

10. "Heart Attack" 
MY OTHER FAVORITE! I am a sucker for song with a nice groove, a great R&B touch. This song and "Growl" have that which is probably why they're my favorites from this album. 

11. "Peter Pan"
Such a sweet song, but not one that I like that much. Do I dislike it? No, but it's I could live without it if I have to. It is, however, a really nice song.

12. "Baby"
I didn't really pick up on this song at first either. I thought it sounded fine, but it wasn't one that stood out to me. Now, I quite enjoy it and I often imagine this song in the background of some dramas.

13. "My Lady"
I really like this song. The blues sound of it is really distinct from the other songs on the album, but it still oozes the usual sex appeal that EXO has become famous for.

14. "Growl" (Korean version)
I like it. How could I not? However, the version with all 12 is better, but I think I believe that because I listened to that version first.

I have listened to this entire album over 20 times and I still think it is good. I have also listened to their first album and I must say that as a whole I like this album better. If you've listened to it, please let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for reading!

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